Monday, December 15, 2008

The Last Straw

Today was the day I decided that if the doctor I see this December doesn't refer me to someone who can help me I will absolutely go OFF. I am so tired of my back/hip hurting like it is. I was in SO much pain today. When I finally went to take some Alleve Andrea thought I was crying. "Not yet" I said.

Today was crazy. As mentioned in my previous blog.......guess who had to scribe ALL day with the doc. Me!!! Hell, that's better than what I'll do tomorrow which causes one big cluster. Anyway, not going to vent about work considering it's not that big of a deal! At least I know what to expect and I've only been there a little over 2 months.

It was very cold today. Around 3 degrees when I went in to work. Made my nose hairs freeze! Rusty has yet to experience that. So, I stayed at the office for lunch and read my magazine. I went to the gym after work like a good girl even though I wanted to just come home and crawl under a blanket! It was a good workout though and I really enjoyed the sauna today. I needed some relaxation.

I have been super tired (scribing ALL day does that) so I am going to hit the hay. Doing good since it's only 9:00. I sure am ready though. So, I'm gonna finish my Sunny D and then crawl in to my wonderful bed. I hope I wake up to snow on the ground tomorrow! If it's gonna be this damn cold we should at least have something pretty to look at outside.

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