Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here We Go Again

So, here we are again. My lovely sister in law from Vegas finally blogged FOR ME!! That means I need to keep up with mine. Plus, Becca said so!

I have two more days at my current place of employment. I do have to say I am getting kind of excited and extremely lazy with it. At least I didn't "quit" when I turned in my notice. I have seen some quit putting forth effort just because they weren't going to be there in the future and this was several weeks BEFORE they actually left! I believe in working until the very end, but we'll have to see how these last two days go! LOL The words "piss on it" come to mind! ha ha

Sadie is sitting next to me grumbling and moaning. She is so tired and I am keeping her up! LOL Rusty and I had our "family meeting" tonight to discuss her being in our household. His only worry is that the people who brought her to us would prefer to have her back and they just aren't telling us. That leaves me torn. I would rather have her be with them if that's what they want but I have already started getting attached to her and I really think she is getting attached to me! That's my dilemma. Anywho.

I am tired and just want to go to bed. That will be AFTER we see if little miss Sadie can take care of some business OUTSIDE preferably! G'night!

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