Life is a roller coaster, at least for me. Thank you to those who choose to ride. I love you all. If you don't understand the title, check out wavelengths. I'm hopeful to crest soon. Here are some pics from the last two weeks or so. They contain a friends baby shower, diaper cakes I have started making in which my friend Renee now joins me doing so. The gender specific ones are way easier/prettier to do. The first one was using non-gender shower colors and the colors were a little bright. For my first one, not bad. Hoping to get some business out of it. I mostly just enjoy doing it. Then some geocaching at Castle Rock here in Kansas. Oh, and an Easter pic of Rusty and I.
P.S. My mom posted this on my facebook wall and it really was nice to read! Thanks mom. LOVE YOU!
Just remember, if you can bring joy to someones otherwise dull and boring life by giving them something to talk about, life is good !!
Aw, your pictures are way cute!