Monday, June 28, 2010

Small One

It has been really difficult to blog lately.  I use my Droid to do everything.....facebook, e-mail, read Becca and Jen's blog, see who stalks mine.  I'd read Aubrey and Dawn's more often but, eh hem, no blogging has been going on!

I love my new phone/computer.  It keeps me connected but on the down side, it doesn't help me keep in touch! So easy to read yet so hard to respond.  I'll get better.

Until later....this is it!  Gonna go practice the violin!


  1. Hmm, so that's why the blog has been quiet! Maybe you should have Rusty do a video of you playing the violin...

  2. Sister in Law dear....One of these days I am going to take you up on your offer of kidnapping the Eli-monster....then see how much painting/planting/blogging/toe-painting YOU get done. :P He CAN RUN NOW. And he does A LOT. We love, miss and think of you tons!!Christmas is only six months away!!!

  3. Working full time would make a big difference in that scenario too I believe! Either way, I would welcome the opportunity! I truly believe we MAKE time for what we want. Right now, I just have the luxury of choosing to spruce up the house! One of these days I may be running after a little one myself! I'll make sure to put my paint brush down first! LOL
