Things are good and my baby boy is 18 months old! One and a half!! Wowza! He goes for his appointment Tuesday and I'm anxious to see how he measures out. He is definitely a toddler with the occasional fits to be thrown and oh my, I sure get embarrassed when we are in public but I need to remind myself that anyone who has ever had a child will understand. He is the lub to the dub of my heart!!
I also started taking cake decorating classes. I asked for that as a Christmas gift from Rusty. I completed course 1 (only 4 classes) and this was my finale cake. Homemade buttercream frosting and I even added the striping technique. My roses are lacking but for a first timer I was thrilled with it. I was very unhappy with my leaves but I'll work on it.
I really liked my clown cake. It was my third cake.
My Granny, who passed away this last year, was a professional cake decorator. I have always wished I could do it and wish she could have been the one to show me. All my family said she would have been extremely proud of these two cakes!
I'm looking forward to the next 3 courses! It is also a nice night out for this momma!
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