Okay, so a certain someone is asking for a blog so here it goes! My life really isn't that exciting. Same stuff different day!
I should have blogged Friday evening. I had another great day with no pain. I went to the gym and felt amazing when I got home. Unfortunately, I woke up Saturday morning with some pain. I was so upset. I went to the gym and worked out for an hour. When I got home I was pretty upset and began to cry. I haven't cried over my back in a looooooong time. In fact, only two or three times. Rusty quickly shot that down. He said I should be positive so I sucked my tears in before they fell down my cheek and put my big girl panties on. Sometimes a girl needs a shoulder to cry on babe!
Saturday was a great day for Geo-caching so that's just what we did. Rusty was happy, as you can see below.
We took Marley Sue because she loves to go and we like to let her out and just let her sniff around and have fun. Here's a pic towards the end of the day.
And then, there was me. I didn't feel near as much pain as I normally do on our excursions so I know the injections are working. It was amazing how that pain put my mood back below the line of cheeriness so quickly. As you can see below, I put on my happy face.
I was told by a dear friend that they inject pain meds in there also so it is a bit deceiving at first. I was told by her that I may have a couple of days that are bad and then I will perk up again. That was great news to get since that is exactly what was happening. I have until Friday for the injections to give their full effect so I am hoping I definitely won't get any worse. I would so go in for more long ass needles right this moment to have that time of no pain. It was unbelievable, and that's not even a good word for it. Euphoric? Extraordinary? Heaven-like? Those are pretty close.
Today was a normal day around the house. I was slow getting up this morning because I was hurting again. Starts the day out as a bummer. I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the bathroom and helped out with laundry. I also started a roast for supper. And, here we are! I wanted to get this done because I was thinking of a little pampering...obviously from myself. Rusty doesn't much care for pampering.
So, I am going to try and finish relaxing before a busy hectic TLM day. After the way it ended Friday it ought to be interesting. Don't know how much longer I can go like this.
Ahwwww, that sucks! I was rooting for more painfree days...Rusty sounds like a good cheerleader though. I'm NOT a good cheerleader so here's a Becca Theory for you (as if these are really important!) Cry if you want (sometimes it makes you feel better) but then dust your butt off and climb, crawl, hoist (whatever you have to do, how you do it is not as important as getting there)your butt back on that blasted horse and make it wish it never threw you in the first place. There. I'm pretty sure you're already that kinda gal Tara but you put on an amazing face girl. Keep hanging in there. Do you REALLY have to give up the DP???