I am tired and just really want to go to bed but I will blog first.
Saturday was pretty uneventful. I went to the gym around 11 and then came home and just stayed lazy for a little while. I was going to do some pampering for myself that evening but Rusty got called out to Phillipsburg so I went with him. We got home a little after 7:00 and just kind of hung out. We wanted to cut Marley Sue's hair so that's what was done next...........Rusty does such a good job.
Here he is paying close attention to detail.
Here he is pausing for a phone call.
Here's Evil Keiko watching from the background.
Daddy stealing a kiss from Marley.
And here is Marley and Keiko playing after her cut and bath. Momma gave her the bath!
And here is a final one.
Rusty got called out to Great Bend shortly before midnight and I didn't even know when he got home. I was OUT. I just remember waking up at some point and reaching over and there he was. Scary that just ANYONE could crawl in bed with me. That is, if Marley Sue would let them!
Today was a pretty boring day. I got up and started some laundry. We sat around and watched the race and then I went to the gym at 5:00. I had a nice workout. Came home, made dinner, watched Desperate and here I am!
This week is going to be busy. Work will more than likely be days full of stress as people will let their attitudes, negativity, and spitefulness get in the way as always. Such is life, for those people I guess. I'll try to be on my best behavior! There are days when I just about BUST!
All right, I'm ready for bed! G'Night!
LOL, you played very nicely today at work, I'm SO proud of you! LOVE Evil Keiko!