Thursday, May 31, 2012

That "Gonna" Mom

Remember that "Gonna" mom I am gonna be?  Well, here she is!  Yes, another blog and only a couple days later.  NOT weeks!  The only problem is that I don't have much to blog about.  We have had some great storms here recently.  I know people driving by are laughing at me watering my flowers as it thunders but here is why.  We have missed every storm.  They split right as they are about to reach us.  We get a few drops of rain and that's it.  This momma ain't minding because of tornadoes and no sirens out here but a nice soaking would be good.  Today it is breezy and cool.  Beautiful.  My baby boy is napping right now after a morning of running daddy to work and some errands.  The bird feeder is filled, the flowers watered and one re-potted and both animals are sitting here licking themselves.  Reminder....gotta give Ryne a bath when he wakes up!  One thing about children verses pets....they can't lick themselves clean!  Well, I may take that back in a couple of years.  :o)

Yesterday I worked on one of daddy's father's day gifts and then spent the rest of the day working on Ryne's baby book.  He spent the day with Grammy and I'm sure they both had a GREAT time.  See, that "Gonna" mom is working out!  Just gotta stay with it!

We will be attending Ryne's first funeral this coming weekend.  My Uncle Gary passed away.  It was my mother's oldest brother and my Granny's oldest son.  My Granny isn't in a good place as it is (dementia) so we aren't sure how she will take (understand) the news.  Regardless, it will be a sad day.  As I pointed out to my mom, we are getting to an age of when deaths are going to start happening.  I'm not looking forward to it.

Speaking of Ryne, I failed to mention that he also waves now.  Not great with on command but he loves to wave at certain times.  He goes, goes, goes now.  No longer are the days of sitting him down and saying I'll be right back as I run to the bathroom or take care of laundry.  No more than I make it where I'm going and I turn around and see his beautiful face.

Have I mentioned how in love with him I am?


  1. So sorry to hear about your uncle, Tara! I'll be praying for you and your family! And go you on Ryne's baby book! I haven't gotten past Elizabeth's baptism... :P
