Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3 Down, 2 To Go

Woo hoo!! Made it to Wednesday and after tomorrow it's Friday. Betcha didn't know that.

So, today was Beloit and it was actually pretty darn fun. Except for Becca's 80 mph driving. Dang! Lunch was pretty good and we laughed quite a bit. Becca, I'm gonna say "Wacko" and I want you to let me know how hard you are laughing when you read it!

I went to the gym after work like a good girl and worked my bootie off. Well, for me I worked my bootie off. Then I called Rusty to see if he wanted Subway for dinner and he wants Wendy's!! What the crap?? I have been at the gym working out and he picks a burger place. But I don't succumb.....I order a baked potato! So, for supper I had a small salad and a baked potato. I really wanted some warm chocolate chip cookies tonight but I didn't do it! Yeah for me!

I had promised that I would rant on the election and the behavior and comments of the American people.....but I still don't think it would be a good idea for me right now. I might start ranting and then really piss someone off!

So, looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow. Hope my gym workout helps me sleep good! I am glad I haven't snored so Rusty can rest but I sleep good when I snore!

Andrea, you should be super happy that I will be there tomorrow. You know, since I am the shizzle and all. LOL!


  1. I'm super happy, you have no idea. But I'm even happier I'm leaving at noon!!

  2. WACKO! LOL...Yep, I laughed. I don't think I'll forget that for a while. :) And my 80 mph driving is and Andrea just haven't developed your appreciation for fine driving!

  3. Fine driving my ass! Love you Becca but you are a wild women around those bends!!! :)
