Saturday, November 15, 2008

In Love With My Life

I guess I don't really feel like there is much to blog about tonight. Rusty got called out again today so I went and got the oil changed in his truck then went to the gym to work out....go me, yeah, go me. I sat in the sauna for a while after I worked out and it was awesome. Most people think it would be miserable since you are already sweating and stuff, but it felt so good. Especially on my skin! I lifted some weights when I got out then came home to take a shower. Rusty got home not too long after that.

We sat around and he did paperwork most of the afternoon and I played on line. I am addicted...there, I admitted it. We went to dinner at Gutch's with Leigh Ann and Casey and then drove around while we ate our ice cream. It was a good night.

So, now I am sitting here blogging and probably getting ready to go to bed. I have been watching my dog and cat play with each other and that makes me super happy. It also made me super happy when Casey asked Rusty if he missed Chickasha at all and he said nope. Yeah, I love my life. Jealous??

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous - but only because you got ice cream last night and I was CRAVING it, but we didn't have any. So yes, I am jealous!
